Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 13

We all woke up a litle desheveled this morning. Walking into the dining room was like walking into the Vegas apartment in the hangover….I was expecting to find a tiger. Only a monkey here though. The ENT surgeons arrived, one who brought his OR nurse and daughter along with him. I almost felt bad for the state of being we were in when they walked in. We all looked exhausted, and fixated on our coffee as we made our introductions. It’s just going to take a little time to pick ourselves up today. We decided to cure this with a nice run up some trecherous hills through the Filipino jungle in 90˚+ weather and 100% humidity. All of the kids on our grounds joined us for the run, and finally caught up with us as we were heading back. I carried Alana on my back for a while. She’s the sweetest little thing. Jack Jack came along with us which I loved. He’s so shy, but such a sweetheart. I let them play with my iphone (under close watch of course) as we headed back. I promised my parents I wouldn’t bring back and Filipino children. Darn it.

The lunch today was incredible with one of my favorite things, Lumpia. Plus we had mangos AND pineapple so I was thoroughly satisfied. I wish I was hungrier, but I never am right after a workout. After lunch we threw on our bikinis and head to a nearby cold springs, also filled with water that comes down from the nearby Volcano. It was a perfectly relaxaing afternoon, and the weather was beautiful. We spent most of the time in the pool, with some kareoke and billards played in between. Puspa killed the boys at billards, which was expected since hehas asked everyday to play with some of us. I personally like watching Rob and Dave kill it at Kareoke. It is probably one of the top 10 funniest things to watch. But I get a kick out of every time Rob speaks. The boys in our group are just wildly entertaining. At this point in the trip, we are quite the dysfunctional little family. I think we’ve had one of the boys claim the extra bed in our room every day the past few nights because our room smells much better and is clean. I can confirm that that fact is true. I know that I was getting burned no matter how much sunscreen was poured onto my body, and yes I mean poured! I swam in Banana Boat I think and it did nothing. As the medial students that we all were, upon leaving the cold springs we insisted upon going to Sorsogon before going home to pick up some Aloe Vera.

Appraently today is the first day of the summer solstice. Being away from internet, and not constantly being connected through technology to the outside world is actually quite nice. Not having the urge to look at my phone or check my email or getting right back to a text message is a great feeling. And maybe that’s why the people here are happier. They live in the present, and take the time to enjoy their surroundings enough to make it meaningful.

 So sorry Lali, whose comment I just got to read above. My time on a computer/phone to type this up is limited, and I don’t go back and re-read this. So errors are going to happen. And after writing this I have to wait until the day we take a 30 minute trip into the city, where I find a wifi connection at the local diner and wait until I connect to their slow internet connection (which by the way kicks me off every 5 minutes). So uploading everything, especially the pictures is a little more difficult since it takes over a hour or two. Grammar? Paragraph spacing?....first world problems.

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