Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Day 3: 1/21/2020

I finally got a full nights rest which was amazing and the alarm did not make me happy at 7am. I needed it, as the altitude yesterday was really starting to get to me. I kept getting these altitude headaches which were annoying and which I ignored like the person I am. If you don’t know me, I never complain about these things. They are mere nuances that don’t stop me one but from going About my day.

We ate breakfast which pretty much was some tea and eggs for me before we headed out to the hospital. One of our surgeons daughters is with us on the trip and I feel like my palate very much matches hers. The complex spices and injera is really not my favorite so I tend to keep my diet pretty simple. 

The days are split up so we are switching off operating and teaching the ENT residents. Today is my day to teach and I had a few sessions split into 5 residents each. I lectured them on suturing techniques, wound healing, scar revision and the reconstructive ladder which mostly consisted of local flap reconstruction. I threw a small simulation course for them where they learned all the different types of suturing techniques and played around closing defects with different types of local flaps. It was equally as much fun for me since I really do love doing all of this. And I feel like they really got a lot out of it since facial plastics and reconstruction is not commonly seen in their program.

One of the Residnet’s, in her senior or Chief year as we call it was just the brightest of the bunch and really impressed me. From what I have heard she tends to hide her intelligence or purposely get answers wrong to not outshine the guys in the programs. That breaks my heart but goes to show you how far we have to go in the world with women equality. Her surgical skills as well are by far superior compared to everyone and she has tested the highest on the exams. I’m rooting for this girl, and I really do hope she breaks free of this shell to really shine. Her coresidents could learn a lot and really benefit from her knowledge.

After my teaching sessions I did sneak into the OR to get my own fix of some surgical cases. We had some cleft lip repairs in the AM and a palate repair I got to do in between the teaching sessions. The day finished with another lip and a nasal reconstruction which turned out amazing. These patients are incredible and it’s such an honor to get to help them the way they do. The mothers are so happy to see their babies with normal lips and palates again, it’s a feeling one can’t even begin to describe.
The lecture hall the residents about local flaps hall Rhomboid flap OR shoes again lip repair lip repair

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