Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 18

The day started with a loud knock on our door to get up around 8 because we would be going out on the bamboo canoes again and swim in Sorsogon Bay. I seriously considered just staying in bed, knowing how exhausted I felt and how long the day would be. But let's be honest, this is me, and when do I choose sleep over fun? Never. So I got up, threw on a bikini, ate a banana me was ready to start the excursion. Celine, Heather and Daniella were all struggling as well. We got to bed so late (well late for Our Filipino schedule), but we all mustered up enough energy to get up and go on the boat. The ENT physicians I think really enjoyed the trip. It was a beautiful day on the bay and swimming felt perfect...until a huge jellyfish came my way and scared me enough to get on the boat and just soak up the sun there. Hey, you saw that kids arm I posted from the other day. No one needs a Doc Oc attacking them. We got back to the dorms and most of us were so tired still that they went back to sleep. I grabbed some NesCafe (my replacement for coffee while I'm here) and contemplated what to do until lunch. Side note, my other favorite drink here is called Milo which is an energy hot chocolate like drink with vitamins in it. Delicious! I blame Jennifer for my addiction. Well anyway I'm an idiot and decided going on a run of course in the heat and humidity. Surprisingly, it went better then I expected and felt great! 

We all had lunch after I got back from my run and it began to pour! This was a little disappointing but not going to stop us from our plans. We all piled in the Jeepney which was very tightly packed since the rain prevented us from sitting on the roof and we became even better friends. We stopped halfway when the rain subsided and I hopped on the roof with a few others for the rest of the way. The ride to the base of the Buluson volcano was long (it's the volcano directly across the bay from us) but so worth it! We hiked along a lake at the base and it was breathtakingly beautiful. The hanging vines, spectacular greenery and view along with the echoes from all the surrounding wildlife on our hike was like walking through Jurassic Park or something. Incredible. A sight I wish everyone could see. 

We only stayed there a short period of time before making our way to a nearby cold springs with picturesque waterfalls hidden deep in the jungle. We were disappointed when we got there because it looked like the swimming basin of the springs was dried up even though the waterfalls were running. Well being the medical students and doctors that we have in our group, a few of the boys decided to build a dam to fill up the basin and in no time we had ourselves a swimming area deep enough to cliff jump from. Which Brant did in full style. The day was filled with the most beautiful places, again I wish everyone could see for themselves because my description doesn't do it justice. The pictures can only do so much to, because the experience itself was unbelievable. I wish everyone could see this. The waterfalls were fun to stand in, and the surrounding area was just exquisite. Some of our group (mostly the boys) even brought out some soap and shampoo and bathed in the springs. The water is crystal clean and a lot of Filipino's use cold springs to bathe and wash heir clothing. We were appreciative of this effort of theirs...kidding kidding. We swam and played around for quite som time before it started getting late and we had to make our way back.

Upon our return the grounds were hopping with music blasting from stereos and strobe lights beaming all around. It was disco night. We had the most INCREDIBLE dinner in honor of the ENT's who would be leaving us tomorrow and Jennifer who is heading back to the US also. That 300lb pig that was in my picture the other day was cooked over the course of a few days and the meat was just falling off its skeleton. Best meat I have ever had in my life! Nothing will ever compare again. 

After dinner I went to charge my camera in my room, came back out and was bombarded by a group of Filipino children (some of my favorites!) who dragged me to the dance floor. We danced all night long. A lot of the nurses and pharmacists from our clinic came which was wonderful and we had a fantastic time. Princess is probably my favorite nurse, she is such a sweetheart and pharmacy boys Ryan and Arjun are just absolutely  fabulous. I wish I could dance like some of them because they are incredible at dancing! Even the small children move like mini Michael Jackson's. I've been to elementary, middle, high school and college dances and not one guy has impressed me with his dancing as much as one of the 7 year olds. We danced to their favorite song PSY's 'Gentleman' about 10 times. I love some of their music, because of its house music flare that just makes you want to dance. Some of the high school girls were teaching is their dance where they squat down real low and jump around. Dan and Dave were the best...or just most fun to watch try and do this. My quads were killing me doing this! If only I was 14 and had their stamina. I loved dancing and laughing with all of the children. I see how Angelina Jolie adopts so many kids. I'm in love with the Filipino children. They are the absolute sweetest. Now don't get me wrong. This doesn't mean I want to be a pediatrician. I love kids, especially healthy kids that aren't screaming and crying when they see me as a doctor. I'm not saying I won't do that but if you don't know by now, I'm still undecided by which medical speciality I want to do. I like keeping my options open. Anyway the night was fantastic and as I lay in bed at 1am, listening to the music still blasting from outside I'm wondering how hard it will be to sleep. Probably not hard at all. The Philippines has taught me a lot, and one of those things is that I can be completely happy living with the minimum, even in less then ideal conditions. There's less to worry about, and more time to stop and soak in everything that you could be missing when you're too concerned with what more you may need to be happy. I know I'll be going back to the states with a changed perspective.

The boat ride

The volcano

The waterfall cold springs 

The Disco

The pig

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