Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 27

Today was a beach! In every way possible. It was the first time in the past few nights that I actually slept through the whole thing which was nice. Until I woke up to look at myself in the 5x5" mirror in our bathroom. I had hives EVERYWHERE ON MY BODY! Including my face. I contemplated just sitting there and crying for a minute but decide to get dressed and do something. Dr. Schuster, Ashik and Sean saw my new worsened state and recommended that I take a steroid like Prednisone as the next step in treating this. Plus I've been taking Benadryl, I took 50mg before beds at night and bathed in hydrocortisone cream so I as hoping it would improve not worse . I couldn't just sit around so again I decided to go for a run. It was like my way of figuratively running away. That's why I love doing it, it takes my mind off things. On my cool down as I walked back to the dorms I totally cried to myself. It wasn't helping though that Puspa and Ashik were telling me hat they think this could be an autoimmune skin disease that could take 6-8 weeks to clear. 

When I finally composed myself I sat down and managed to eat something for a half piece of toast and not much else. I'm not taking my chances anymore. This is just ridiculous. As I sat and ate in the dining room, Dr. Schuster, Ashik and Heather all stood outside the glass doors analyzing me and discussing what it may be from and the next plan of treatment I should do. I felt like one of those aliens that was captured and analyzed by Will Smith and the President in the movie "Independence day" sitting in my glass cage. Plus when people come up to you and go "OMG WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR SKIN?" You know something is wrong.

Today we were all planning to go to the beach and we had invited all the translators, nurses and pharmacists from our clinic to join and their children as well as the children that come to our dorms to play. I had to motivate myself to go in the state I was in. It was our last day together so it didn't take really anything to convince me. Here I was with no makeup, frizzy hair, covered in a horrible red, patchy rash all over my body on a day where my inherently self conscious self had to be in a bikini and yet all the Filipino's just told me how pretty and beautiful I was. They didn't gawk and state, and after showing concern and wishing me good health and well being they forgot about it, which made me forget about it. They see beauty differently and it really made me feel better. I've learned so much from them and I to see beauty differently. The Filipino's are some of the most beautiful people I the world. I am really going to miss all of them.

We rode to the beach packed in the Jeepney. Dr. Schuster stopped at clinic to get me the Prednisone which I started taking. The ride to the beach, Alana the little girl that ways plays with me sat on my lap and we both fell asleep. Jack Jack was next to me. I blame the Benadryl, it gets to me. Once we arrived we got ourselves a few cabanas and starts the activities. I was being pretty conservative with my condition. I stayed out of the sun and didn't go in the water. I really don't need any more issues, and if doing nothing is what it takes so be it. I was a leper. It was fun regardless. The beach was breathtakingly beautiful, with mountains from another island in the distance, only breaking to open to the ocean that poured into the small inlet. I played scrabble with some of the translators for a while and walked the shoreline before lunch was ready. Tess set up a BBQ and it was delicious. I loved he grilled cabbage (probably my Polish roots shining through) and the grilled pork and bananas were fantastic. After lunch Celine, Heather and Daniella took a nap while Brigitte, Sean and Dan were playing in the water with the volleyball. I decided to do a case study on myself and submerge myself halfway in the salt water, hoping the ocean water would have a healing effect. We'll see tomorrow I suppose. My skin did start looking better. The rash was gone from my face, neck and chest but I said i thought it was improving last night and here I was this morning a puffy red mess. I'm hoping this Prednisone stuff works. I hate medications and taking them....and that Cipro (if that is the reason for all this) is a great reason to back my argument. 

We left and started heading back to the dorms as it was getting late. It was hard to think this is the last time I may see all of our wonderful staff members, as they became like family. I will just have to come back. I rode on he top of the Jeepney, soaking in the wild ride down the beautiful windy roads of the Philippines. I hope riding in my wrangler with the top down is just as exciting as it used to be when I get home to the US. When we got back to the dorms some of us relaxed while others worked out. I did insanity and a few of he kids joined in again, running and jumping and giggling all through it. How will insanity ever be the same back in the states? I should bring some of the kids home with me. Daniella braided Alana's hair and we all cleaned up before dinner. I had to pack my suitcase for tomorrow morning because some of the Filipino's will be driving all the luggage to Manila. It was bittersweet. I'm definitely going to miss the Philippines. Even with this blog, I cannot put into words what an incredible experience this has been, and all that I have learned and gained not just from a medial standpoint but from a life changing standpoint. I have a lot of their people to thank for that.

Jeepney ride with my best kids
The cabanas
Scrabble game

The iPhone doesn't pick up my hideous rash from far away! Hooray!
Slightly failed picture
Adorable child

Sleeping girls
The beautiful beach

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your last day had to have those issues baby but really good to see you just toughing through it. Those people clearly see you from the inside out, not from any exterior issues. They have a great perspective on things that are really important.
