Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 28

I woke up at 6am and laid in bed for a while before getting up and putting on workout clothes to go for a run. This was my last day in the Bicol region of the Philippines and therefore my last run here. I won't say ever, because I know I'll be coming back someday. I definitely want to. I made it a meaningful one, because this may be my new favorite place to run. The beautiful contrast of the blue sky and blinding green brush is unlike anywhere else I've been. And as I ran through the streets, down my typical route the people as per usual waves hello and yelled good morning as I passed their homes. The children cheered and ran alongside me as far and fast as they could. The smiles and pure joy they showed from just seeing me run past them was unbelievable. I'm not sure a DC run can compare. No one there even makes eye contact as they walk down the streets looking at their shoes....and sadly that is what I thought was normal. At least the monuments and scenery will keep me occupied, but I'm really going to miss starting. My days off in such an uplifting way.

I almost forgot! I woke up and had little to rash! I couldn't have been happier. There is some residual hyper pigmentation on my legs but hey I'll take it over my state of being the last 2 days. Once I was done with my run and showered, I got ready to head up to clinic with everyone. I had ready packed my suitcase that would be taken by bus to Manila, and will only take a carry on with me for the domestic flight. Cleaning up clinic didn't take to long. We just sorted things, threw things away, moved all the furniture and locked up the rooms. With all of us together the process only lasted about an hour-hour and a half. It was only like 10am when we went back to the dorms so the whole day was ahead of us. We planned to go on the boat for some of the afternoon. Everyone finished packing and we got on our bathing suits to embark on one last boat ride across Sorsogon bay. It was actually the first boat ride on a perfectly blue skied day. It was fantastic. I tried to keep covered since I'm on the Prednisone. I wrapped a T-shirt around my head. I looked like a pirate. We made a pit stop in the middle of the bay to swim for a while in the salty water. I can safely make the statement that I have not been stung by a jellyfish this entire trip! As for getting everything else? Yeah, I tend to go against the norm and get some weird illness or problem. My body just can't follow he crowd and do what everyone else's does. After swimming we took a long ride around part of the bay (it's huge!) which was so relaxing. The small homes and beautiful jungle was just one more thing to absorb before leaving. It's hard to believe that I won't eat my meals anymore overlooking the incredible view of the bay, jungle mountains and volcano. I have a nice view of a CVS though back in Boca. Yeah, not at all. We were on the boat for a while before heading back to the dorms for lunch. 

We had the entire afternoon ahead of us to do whatever we pleased. Most either napped or read or just hung around so I took the opportunity to do insanity. Jack Jack joined me in the room to watch and looked so sad. I asked what was wrong and he asked "are you going back to America tomorrow?" I told him yes I was, but we would always be friends. He started to tear up. Sorry Shaun T, my water break had to be a little longer during this workout. That broke my heart. I gave him a big hug. He's a great kid and I will miss him and his sister Alana so much. 

The rest of the afternoon was pretty relaxed. I took my last bucket shower ever and look forward to a warm regular shower in Manila tomorrow. It'll be weird to have all he luxuries again when I'm home. Going to bed and watching the daddy long legs that live on the ceiling above me (I have come to an agreement with them and decided they can live) so they can eat all the bad bugs and flies that would otherwise bother me as I sleep. We need more of them in our clinic to eat the flies that like to land on my ankles and bother me. Nevertheless, I loved every minute. This is definitely the way to see a country. You need to go for a few weeks and really emerge yourself in the culture and lifestyle, breaking away from the tourist attractions and really engaging with the people and their lifestyle. Anyone can travel and see a country but their missing out on living and experiencing one. Getting away from the "American comforts" and luxuries is often times eye opening, and the people you meet and befriend are irreplaceable. I would love to do more medical trips and travel and see the world. There is so much more out there that I want to see, and I'm always welcome to having a buddy to travel with.

Later on Dr. Schuster took us girls down to the rocks during low ride on the bay to see and explore a small cave. It was fun to hike around and explore. We had a lot of the afternoon left before dinner so Daniela, Celine and I started a happy hour early around 4 and enjoyed some good girl talk...well until Sean came to join and we just continued to make his ears bleed with our nonsense. I thoroughly enjoyed that. The kids started to come over and play with all of us. I took that opportunity and played with all the kids. Jack jack, Alana, and Kayla were all jumping around and just LOVE taking pictures. I gave Alana my iPhone and now have 100 more photos from her artistic mastery of photography at the age of 5. A lot more of the kids joined and they love chasing me around and jumping on me and tickling. We have a great time. I always tell people that I don't want kids which really pushes my moms buttons and gets quite the awe factor from people....but let's face it, I really do love kids. I can't hide it. And as we were taking pictures, Jasper the 14 year old girl who is the AMAZING dancer at all the discos we've hosted was off behind the building by herself. Her friend told me to go over because she was crying. When I walked over, she gave me a huge hug and was upset about us leaving tomorrow for home. I cannot believe all the love and what a family we have all become. It was a pretty emotional day at times. Some of the kids are very young, and it will be sad to think how disappointed they'll be when they no longer see us in a few days. I wish the absolute best for all of them. I've never met such a great group of kids and I hope one day when I visit to see them again. We had a great rest of the night hanging out, getting our picture rising by Alana and laughing amongst one another.

The last dinner here was nothing less then superb, and Momma Tess even got us ice cream. Eating is another thing that will not be as good when I get home. Goodbye delicious hot meals, hello cereal and oatmeal! Dr. Schuster read us some of the poetry that he has written on his own and it was unbelievable. They were from a physicians perspective, and absolutely beautiful, it gave me chills. He should publish his work, it is that good.

The rest of the night was spent with everyone huddled into the girls room. Sean ended up being the last of us to get sick, and missed dinner. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow for traveling. We just talked, ate popcorn that Jessica king brought to us and enjoyed one another's company for our last night here. We leave for Manila tomorrow morning, and spend almost two days there to explore. Goodbye Bicol clinic, this trip has been nothing less then inspiring. 

The kids from my last run

Our wonderful clinic

The boat ride
Sean, Brigitte and me
Daniella, Heather and me
Brigitte and me
Daniella, Dan and me

Kayla and Alana
My favorite kids
Last night view

1 comment:

  1. "I do not think the measure of a civilization is how tall its buildings of concrete are, But rather how well its people have learned to relate
    to their environment and fellow man."

    Sun Bear of the Chippewa Tribe
